
Who you play will determine how you play in your quest to cure victims of The Haze and prove yourself as the superior healer!

Take a moment to learn about these roles and determine which one is right for you.

Voodoo Mambo

(Color matching, balanced gameplay)

Game board showing where to devote resources along a representation of the Rainbow Serpent, Damballah and Aida Weddo.

By devoting resources to the Rainbow Serpent, (shown as the white and black snakes, Damballa and Aida Weddo), the Mambo gains healing, reward bonuses, and other abilities.

For a cost, they can substitute an ingredient for different one if they’re both the same color.

Finally, when ingredients showing all eight colors are devoted, the Mambo may petition Baron Samedi to instantly cure up to two patients.

A faded image of a serpent icon surrounded by decorative flourishes.


A game board showing a variety of pharmacist scripts for drugs to use while curing patients.

(Problem solving toolkit gameplay)

The Pharmacist has a wide array of drugs to use to treat patients, but they’re at their best when using prescriptions on specific patients.

Though the Pharmacist gains abilities if they use exactly what is needed, they can (and historically did) swap in Alcohol and Cocaine to quickly treat patients.

Should the right cards prove to be tough to acquire, the Pharmacist can make their own compounds by combining cards they already have.

A faded image of Asclepius' icon surrounded by decorative flourishes.
A game board guiding players on how to use conjure or hoodoo trick removal in their mojo bag.

Root Doctor

(Branching diagnosis, high crafting gameplay)

The Root Doctor can discern whether a patient is suffering from The Haze or if they’ve been crossed by a Hoodoo Trick, each needing treatment in different ways with different rewards.

If the Root Doctor doesn’t have the correct ingredient on hand, they can substitute for a different ingredient if they both have identical Root Family icons.

Crafting Materials allows the Root Doctor to convert cards in their hand into special tokens which can be used for Conjure on groups of similar patients or for Hoodoo Trick removal.

A faded image of a hoodoo icon surrounded by decorative flourishes.


A game board showing a snake oil huckster's wares and Hokum items.

(High risk/ high reward, marketing gameplay)

The Hokum Market allows the Charlatan to act as a limited, upgradable market, selling cards and Hokum to other players for a small fee.

The Charlatan can choose to ignore any requirement a patient may need in favor of what’s available. While this may increase the chance of the patient’s death, it also increases the rewards they pay if they’re cured!

Hokum are crafted by combining cards to create useful tokens, each with their own amazing abilities (and often a drawback.)

A faded image of a dollar bill icon surrounded by decorative flourishes.